Tregunter Road

March 9, 2025

The cabinetry works we undertook for Tregunter Road are a prime example of our expertise for turning the inner workings of a designer’s mind into an exquisite finished product. Gabhan O’Keeffe has been decorating the interiors for discerning clients for decades, and we have grown to understand how to fuse his imagination with our craftsmanship to create workable designs.

Our challenge with Tregunter Road was twofold: first, the client had sourced a number of Pre-Raphaelite painted wooden panels that needed to be artfully incorporated into the furniture. The second, and biggest challenge of the whole project, was the sheer size of the cabinetry.

The bookcase spans over the main entrance way to the room and extends into another pair of cabinets on the other side of the frame. The installation would only be fully successful if the cabinetry flowed seamlessly from element to element and this was achieved by careful design of the junction between individual pieces. To ensure the finest tolerances the cabinets were fully constructed in the workshops and delivered as complete pieces offering some challenges to the delivery and installation team.

N.E.J. Stevenson dedicated over 800 hours of craft to the project, which included the sourcing of the stained oak and bevelled mirrors; the designing of the ebonised detail on the friezes; wood paintings by George Warrington; the cut, died and leather-embossed shelf fringing, and the veneering of the base corbels.

Such was the clients delight with the finished pieces that when she moved house we were called in to take the cabinets with her.